Perinatal & Infant Loss: A Sands workshop for counsellors

Sands Wellington – Hutt Valley
Perinatal & Infant Loss:  A workshop for counsellors

On the 17th of May 2012 I attended a workshop for Grief Counsellors run by SANDS, a country wide, voluntary, parent-run, non-profit organisation set up to support parents and families who have experienced the death of a baby.

As a Funeral Director, this was an opportunity to find out more about the organisation.

Wellington based Vicki Culling and Joan Curle ran the day long workshop which covered; the services SANDS offer, the losses suffered by families at different stages from; miscarriage, elected termination due to foetal abnormality, stillbirth, neonatal death, SUDI and infant death, and suggestions on how healthcare professionals can provide informed and relevant support.

Both Vicki and Joan have had their own personal experience resulting in a long term dedication to Sands, campaigning for and implementing improvements to the healthcare systems.

Through their association with Sands over many years, they have gained invaluable insight into how best to support families who have suffered the loss of their baby.

The aim of this inaugural workshop was to develop a positive relationship with Wellington based Grief Counsellors to enable them to better understand and counsel bereaved parents, families and whanau.

Similar workshops will be held in other centres over the next 12 months facilitated by Vicki Culling Associates.

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